"Information is the most valuable commodity I know."
- Gordon Gekko in Wall Street -
WeTheFanStats presents STATrack's group of unique stats. This group of stats have produced some extremely valuable information and results. Click the icon to see the stats.
This is where it all started during the 2000 Season. As we followed teams to the Super Bowl, we monitored the Toughest Division. The Division is where it's at. Win your Division and you call your own shots. But the Toughest Division calls more shots. WeTheFanStats began giving fans the visual effect of a colored bar graph to show what Divisions where rising and when.
Division WEEKLY is The View of the Top Four Divisions each week. At Week 17 last season, the four Top Divisions were: 1. NFC South, 2. AFC West, 3. AFC East, 4. NFC East. Ironically, the Number One & Two spots are the exact Divisions of the Super Bowl Champ and runner-up.
After two seasons of graphing the Toughest Division, we added our POWERFUL & POWERless Rankings. POWERFUL & POWERless kicks in at Week 8; by then the pretenders are out and the late starters are rolling. The rankings are divided into four categories. Top Guns: teams with the best record. Rockin' Rollers: teams on winning streaks. Free Fallers: teams on losing streaks. Bottom Feeders: teams with the worst records. Last season, the Jets were Number 29 on the Bottom Feeders, but still found a way to make it to the Play-offs. The Raiders were the Number 5 Free Faller team at Week 8 with a three game losing streak, but still wound up in the Super Bowl. That's POWER!
THE ROSTER crunches POWERFUL & POWERless into a weekly view of what teams are climbing and what teams are dropping. After Week 8 there is no middle. Last year, Green Bay was Top Gun through Week 10 then handed off to Tampa Bay for two weeks. Then Philadelphia was Top Gun for Weeks 13-16 before handing it back to Tampa Bay. The Buccaneers of course wound up as the Top Gun in the Super Bowl. Wanna watch the POWER shift? Keep your eyes on the THE ROSTER.
POWERSCOPE crunches THE ROSTER into a weekly view of what divisions are Top Guns, Rockin' Rollers, Free Fallers and Bottom Feeders. Last season, on the strength of Green Bay, the NFC North was the Top Gun Division through Week 9. But the Pack couldn't carry the entire Divison and the NFC South and NFC East split the remaining eight weeks as the Top Gun. The Super Bowl Champ eventually came from the NFC South.
Once the 1972 Dolphins pop the corks and light their cigars, WeTheFanStats doesn't stop charting the UNbeatens. This is a stat that can make or break picking a game in the second half of the season. At Week 17, Green Bay was 8-0 at home, Denver was 4-0 in the NFC, both Tennessee and Pittsburgh were 6-0 in their Division.