THE NUMBER 23 Maybe there really is something about the Number 23. I actually thought it would be a much higher number. I was thinking it would be closer to 36 months. For once I beleived the hype. But 23 or 36 aside, the bottom line is, MICHAEL VICK DID NOT HAVE TO GO TO PRISON! Let me repeat that, MICHAEL VICK DID NOT HAVE TO GO TO PRISON!!
PETA = PTTP Power To The People played as big of a part in the politics and business of the Mike Vick case as anything. "Poli$port$Biz" as I put it; politics, sports and business. What if NFL fans got as rabid over the NFL blackout policy, as PETA people over Mike Vick's policy? Black CRUSH that's what!
MY MOMMA SAID! A federal indictment is the most pressure Michael Vick has ever faced. So who's going to make the Michael Vick call? Roger Goodell? Arthur Blank? Vick's agent? His attorney? Michael Vick himself? My money is on Michael Vick's momma! She has more power in this situation than all of the others combined. The power of a "Mother's Love" can emphatically tell Michael Vick, "YOU ARE NOT PLAYING FOOTBALL THIS SEASON!"
IN THE "VICK" OF TIME! 7.27.7>>>
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THE RACE DECK We've all read the plea and now know what Mike Vick has been doing since 2001. So what were all his corporations doing? By reading the same plea agreement, we now know what
they weren't doing; their jobs.
NO MORE GAMES By signing the plea, Michael Vick has finally answered the questions we've all been asking. And now a whole bunch of new questions need to be answered. The BIGGEST one in my book, who really dropped the due dilligence ball?