WRONG SONG I happened to catch Mike & Mike earlier this week on ESPN 2. I tuned in a little late, but caught enough of Mike Greenburg bustin' John Clayton's chops on "diction" of all things. Well, I'm not only the Webmaster of JohnClaytonDAMMIT.com, I'm Clayton's Enforcer as well.
Today is my hero, Muhammad Ali's 65th birthday. He was 18 when he stepped onto the world stageat the '60 Olympics by winning a gold; 22 when he "SHOCKED THE WORLD!" Twenty-six when he was illegally stripped of the Heavyweight Title; 32 when he shocked the world again and won it back. Thirty-nine when he fought his last fight; 40's when he began a new one. Fifty-four when he shocked the world a third time at the '96 Olympics; about to turn 65 a few weeks ago at the coin toss of the Orange Bowl. Long live the Greatest!
DIVISIONAL PLAYOFFS My Seahawks are in it and the nine point spread against them is ridiculous. The Bears are tough, but not that tough. The Eagles had a nice run, but they're going to run into a Saints team that should march over them. The Colts don't have a chance against the Ravens. And San Diego is a nice place to visit, but a long plane ride home for the Patriots when the Chargers send them packing.
GODFATHER TRIBUTE James Brown's funeral is later today. He had a tremendous influence on my life. So when I called into the last Sports Saturday with John Clayton of 2006, I asked "the hardest working man in sports business" to give a tribute to "the hardest working man in show business."
SMOKIN' JOE! Now, I'm a ROCKY fan, so don't get this twisted. Rocky Balboa opens tonite. It's the sixth (and allegedly last) of the series that started in 1976. As real life would have it, eight years earlier, Joe Frazier began his reign as Heavyweight Champ, in Phildelphia. Isn't it time he gets a statue?
SMOKED 'EM Arizona Cardinals radio commentator Ron Wolfley told his partner Dave Pasch, "Nate Burleson got smoked by Hanik Milligan." But it sounds like Wolfley is the one who smoked the "fatty" he referred to the Seahawks punt returner as.
WHERE'S RAY? Speaking of former Seahawks on KJR, Ray Roberts was a mainstay in the station's football season lineup for years. Then one day he just disappeared; NEVER to be seen or heard from again. The last time I saw him was at the 2004 Groz & Gas Strokefest. But since then, he's become the Waldo of the Seattle sports scene. Where in the world is Ray Roberts? Recently that question was asked to KJR's Mitch in the Morning, but his answer (and Sandman's) was shaky at best. So if you ever have a Ray Roberts sighting, eMail me please.
THURSDAY NIGHT LIGHTS II Thursday Night is the new Monday Night in the NFL. The season kicked off on Thursday, remember? And now Thanksgiving is the BIG Thursday Night. I heard endless I Want NFL Network.com sports on sport radio this week. Well, I had NFL Network and Comcast TOOK IT back! NFL Network's website has its Real Facts and I have mine.
BACK TO FOOTBALL It's Apple Cup Saturday in Seattle, so I called John Clayton's Purple & Gold Show on KJR to talk University of Washington Huskies football. And true to form, the Professor couldn't help firing off some "National Football Leage" knowledge he knew I'd appreciate: Week 11 and zero blackouts. So I gave him some knowledge: the Black CRUSH Bus is still rollin' to Miami. ALSO: CLAYTON NEWS
FORMER FRONTMEN The Seattle Times ran an article entitled, "Why Seattle is losing the Sonics and Storm in 10 easy steps" by Bob Young and
Jim Brunner. I moved #5 to #1, changed the wording a little and called it into the Groz with Gas Mail Line.
ELECTION DAY Sonics '67 + 40 = '06 + I-91 = Seattle - Sonics < '11 = ? 2010 is when the team's lease with the City of Seattle expires on KeyArena. 75% of Seattle voters backed Initiative-91 making it more difficult (not impossible as everyone is reporting) for the Sonics to play the 2011 season in Seattle. You wanna to know the kicker?
MILLER SQUARES I didn't really mind the Miller Lite "Men of the Square Table" ads when they first aired. But the ad nauseam reps on TV and sports radio have gotten to me! I'm all for being a man and have no problem with laws. But come on, if you're a group of Miller Lite-drinking guys, you're just not authorized to pass Man Laws in my book. Click the pic. CC VOICEMAILS>>>
FREE THE PRESSED I KNOW I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE THINKING THIS. In the words of Joker in the movie Batman, "Stop the press!" And in the words of Harry Callahan in Magnum Force, "A man's got to know his limitations." Lastly, in the words of Michael Corleone in The Godfather, Part II, "I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. Just my enemies."
GAME TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME The Round Table was the last chance I had to catch up with the "Game Timers." That was before the football season had started, so partway through is a perfect time to catch up with J.B. and K.B. to talk Huskies and Seahawks.

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BOYCOTT & CRUSH SYSTEM HAPPY NEW YEAR! And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it thrice or at least a couple dozen times, WE CONTROL THE REMOTES!! And that means WE COULD CONTROL TV if WE ALL CONTROLLED OUR OWN TVs!!! YEP, that’s a lot of CAPS!!!! I’m starting 2007 off with a BANG!!!!! CONTINUED>>>
GAME OVER A third ace has now been permanently removed from the deck and the fourth may soon to be. Thus comes the end of Iraqi Hold 'Em; tracking the infamous cards and "intriguing inconsistencies" of various '"captures." So WeTheFans Internet Radio Network states (for the absolutely last time, promise): Since the deck came out three years ago, WeTheFans.com maintained the most consistently accurate information on it than anyone else in the world. PERIOD!
CLAYTON'S BACK Groz is a BIG Dallas fan and always mixing it up with John Clayton DAMMIT about dem Cowboys! But as it turned out, Groz was off BIG in his prediction of a victory over the red hot New Orleans Saints last Sunday. And since I handle Clayton's "light work," click the pic. CC VOICEMAILS>>>
GOOD HANDS? In case you didn't hear me on Sports Saturday with John Clayton," with INSIDER INFO about a Seattle arena, here it goes again. A proposal for a 100% privately-financed arena, from a local developer, is now in the hands of Seattle Mayor, Greg Nickels. And in the words of Bud Fox, "I just know."
RETURN THE DAWG I tried launching my new site on the last Tyrone Willingham Show of the season a few weeks ago. However, Gasman kept me on hold for 45 minutes, never took the call and passed up arguably the FUNNIEST segment between a Husky fan and the Huskies head coach, ever. I was really gonna bring it, but wound up bringing it to Dick Fain instead.
HITTIN' BRYCE FISHER Everyone knows that every week, Seattle Seahawks D-lineman, #94, Bryce Fisher puts the smack down on opposing running and quarterbacks. But when he filled in for a KJR sports radio host, I put a hit on him. Most of his calls previous to mine were pretty easy, but I hit him with a shot on former Seahawk Chad Eaton who is constantly blindsiding the MVP Shaun Alexander on the station.
NON-INITIATIVE Save Our Sonics @ SaveOurSonics.org. The website states, "Save Our Sonics and Storm was formed as a grassroots effort to show that the people of the Pacific Northwest are passionate..." It also states, "...we have done it before, but it will take a united effort of thousands to make this happen. Like the previous fights it will take fans of all sports to unite behind this cause." And it also states, "To succeed we will need the support of thousands of people who will join the cause." But here's "the problem."
THE BALL Everyone will tell you the NBA Players Association has the sweetest package of all the professional sports teams. Say what you will about Alex Rodriguez, but he would beg to differ. However, the NBA's guaranteed contracts have made many a cat fat. But somehow, Billy Hunter dribbled the ball off his foot and the players who have to play with it, in the end, had no collective input on the ball.
THE BUNKERS I'm the Webmaster of JohnClaytonDAMMIT.com. And Groz & Gas are the site's two biggest fans. And John Clayton does a weekly BIG Thursday segment on Groz with Gas. And it's archived. And of the 30 segments, this one has my favorite intro.
CAPTAIN HOOK Until now, my favorite Denny Green line was, "Only babies get what they want all the time, men got to do it the hard way!" And after a loss like last night, there's no better way to say, "You saw the game, I'm not answering any stupid questions, good-bye!" I just hope there weren't any babies in that press room.
NAWLINS VM When guys in New Orleans are leaving voicemails in Seattle about the Saints, you know it's a BIG year for the team in the Big Easy. After the big (not easy) win against the Eagles, my buddy Nawlins John dropped me a "five and one voicemail."
JOHN JORDAN "BUCK" O'NEIL November 13, 1911 - October 6, 2006 Baseball great, Buck O'Neil's statement, "I am a Hall of Famer," proves that life really is a state of mind. Major League Baseball never gets it right, so why would it induct the greatest ambassador of Negro League Baseball? The man was a living legend of the very institution the Hall was finally recognizing. He'll be posthumously inducted, mark my words. Buck's statement proved that he was certain of his place in baseball history while living and now he's resting in peace. Love you, Buck!

I STAND CORRECTED A few segments ago I asked, "So what's wrong with this picture?" Well, NEVERMIND! NFL Guru, John Clayton got me straightened out.

Previously on Commando Dave's Show>>>