SAINTS TV So what's wrong with this picture? Nothing. So what was wrong with the TV broadcast? Nothing, besides the fact that it should have been on Sunday night. This Monday Night Footbal game was great to watch for all of us with cable TV who could watch it. But what about all of the fans in New Orleans without cable? Blacked out, right?

QUEER TIE GUY Week 3 is as good as any to dust off and welcome back, "Queer Tie for the Sports Guy." For the past two seasons, Tony "the Goose" Siragusa has been our poster guy because he never wears a tie while talking football. [OK, I actually saw him wearing one once last year; must've been going to a wedding at halftime.] This year, Jimmy Kimmel is the poster guy. Jimmy talks enough sports and ESPN will probably fit him into its Monday Night package. After being "tielessly" different when Jimmy Kimmel LIVE! first aired, he's looked queer (2a: differing in some odd way from what is usual or normal) wearing a tie ever since. So we now begin the UNknot Jimmy Kimmel Campaign.
THURSDAY NIGHT LIGHTS If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, "It's all about TV." Forget all the ranting and raving, sports talk radio debate on why the NFL "opener" is on Thursday Night. It's a moot conversation as to whether or not it's a good idea. It doesn't matter if NFL fans like, appreciate or embrace it. The bottom line to the NFL, is the same "exclusivity" of the last game of the season. To the league (and the advertisers it's beholden to) it's basically the "pre-Super Bowl" since it'$ all about the commercial$.
BYE, MR. AMERICAN PIE "... and them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singin', this will the day that I die, this will be the day that I die..." Andre Agassi may have felt like he was dying. And maybe a small part of him did as his career came to its final point, set, and match. But there is no doubt he goes out as a baseball, hotdog, apple pie icon of American sports, instead of the "male, pre-Anna Kournikova" he started as.
LONG & WINDNG ROAD And then there's Warren Moon. 1978 Rose Bowl Champion and MVP. 1978 NFL undraftee.* 1979 - 1983 Grey Cup Champion. 1980 and 1982 Grey Cup MVP. CFL Legend. 1984 - 2000 helluva NFL quarterback. 1997 Pro Bowl quarterback at the age of 40. 1997 Rose Bowl Halll of Famer. 2001 CFL Hall of Famer. The most prolific passer in Pro football history; robbed of six NFL years and 21,228 passing yards. 2006 First Ballot NFL Hall of Famer.** * 1978 QB NFL DRAFTEES ** YEA, BUT...
HAPPY CAMPER My man John Clayton just started his NFL training camp tour and I couldn't be happier! He had just been with Terrell Owens at the Dallas Cowboys (T. Oaks) training camp before dashing back to finish his radio show, Sports Saturday with John Clayton, when I spoke with him. I gave "the Professor" takes on NFL holdouts, NFL contracts, Vince Young and one on the Steve McNair/Tennessee Titans fiasco you've never heard anywhere before.
OK, SEATTLE! has been Seattle-based for seven years as a "Poli$port$Biz" site. For seven years, I have espoused the ideaology of Fan Activism on the airwaves of sports radio KJR. An ideaology of fans uniting, organizing and protecting our rights as the "third party" in the modern-day sports equation. Seven years! OK, Seattle, we have one year to mass an attack to keep the Sonics from actually going to OK! OK?
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REAL ROME Everyone knows who Jim Rome is, but Tony Rome can talk sports just as good. He's one of Seattle's best sports-talk-talkers. I was at the Washington vs UCLA game with "the Godfather." And he was breaking it down the way he does on Gametime Sports Talk, with J.B. and K.B.
WALK OFF FANS And on the subject of balls, let me give a shout out to Nasty Nester for having some BIG ones. As the Point Man of the FANS REVOLUTION @, the Official Sports Fan Union I've implored sports radio hosts, who speak to and for sports fans, to use the airwaves when necessary for Sports Activism.
PETE'S BALLS WHERE does he get 'em? WHERE??? We know where he got 'em as a player. We know where he got 'em as a manager. We know where he got 'em to bet on baseball. We know where he got 'em to lie about betting on baseball for 14 years. We know where he got 'em to finally come clean. BUT...
ROLLIN' SOUTH ALL ABOARD! Now that the NFL season is rolling, the Black CRUSH Bus is officially back on the cyber road enroute to Super Bowl XLI in Miami. starts this season where it left off last season; reving up the NFL Blackout Petition. Are you MAD AS HELL that Monday Night Football isn't on free/network TV anymore? Then your ride is here!
POWER BROOKER And speaking of Andre Agassi, of course Tom Cruise apologized (a little late) to Brooke Shields. After getting the Paramount Studio axe, he finally realized Brooke has the power to make his career an M.I. and him M.I.A.. We all remember the "crushing affect" she had on Andre Agassi's career and they were married. Brooke was a star long before Cruise. And when he got the call from Paramount, "Maverick" had to recognize that "Miss Shields" (since he'd been nasty) has a gun that tops his. He obviously forgot what studio brought us Pretty Baby.
LAST MAN STANDING This is exactly what drives me crazy about my favorite sport, National Football League football. Guys like Matt Leinart who were "All-Everything" in college, but haven't played a down in the NFL. Guys who cannot "guarantee" anything, but holdout for guaranteed money. Holdouts are "hold ups." For 21 practices, Matt Leinart's agent has held up the Arizona Cardinals organization, he's held up Coach Dennis Green and he's held up his teammates. The last rookie QB that I remember causing this much static was Ryan Leaf.
BUSH LEAGUE? 2004 NCAA Champion. 2005 Heisman Trophy winner. 2006 #2 overall pick of the NFL draft. 2007 EA Sports NCAA Football cover guy? Reggie Bush, despite a few speed bumps, is now rolling like champ. He signed for $26.5 guaranteed and is on his way to Saints camp as one of the most hyped and anticipated running backs since Ricky Williams. But you have to go back three Heisman winners before Ricky, to Eddie George, for a back who really made an impact in the NFL.
UNHAPPY CAMPER [Star Chamber member, Stan Barer stepped up with a LETTER TO THE SPORTS EDITOR.] I have been stunned by the viciousness that sports writers have exhibited in basically calling into question the integrity and veracity of both the selling group and the new ownership group. I have a pretty good idea of what happened, as I am an investor and board member of the selling group...Read the rest @ 7.30.6
Previously on Commando Dave's Show>>>