SWEET 16 TODAY Does anyone remember Oprah before she was "making dreams come true?" Does anyone remember when she wasn't giving stuff away from under the seat, or giving away cars, or giving this away, or giving that away? I do. In fact, I vividly remember when Oprah (OK, "Oprah's people) told me to just, "Go away!"
FOUR MORE That was a fast four year stretch. June 20, 2002, on the verge of a Major League Baseball CBA collapse, the News Tribune's Craig Hill did a cover story on me and some other "Fan Activists" who were making noise.
eMAIL TO GROZ Groz started his show continuing the "after talk" about the Giants and Barry Bonds, who were just in Seattle to lose a weekend series to the Mariners. Actually " crazy after talk" about Bonds coming to Seattle next season.
206 REPS Now I'm a big Gary Payton and Jason Terry fan. So while they both are in the NBA Finals and a Seattle sports radio host tried to be all hard by dissin' 'em, I had to return the shots; "with a little help from my friend." Click the pic.
TATUMESQUE Remember the old joke, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out?" Well, in two separate Laker games, against two different teams, on two completely different plays involving Kobe Bryant, a '70's football game broke out. Remember that forearm shiver?
YANKIN' ARTIE Those of us old enough to have seen the 1977 World Series between the Los Angeles Dodgers and New York Yankees will never forget it. Those not old enough, at least have seen footage of the greatest feat in World Series history; Reggie Jackson's three homers, on three pitches, in Game 6. Ask Tommy Lasorda about it sometime. Comedian Artie Lange was asked about it recently, since he was actually there.

SEAHAWKS MMVI Remember Steve Martin in, The Jerk when the new phone books arrived? That's me when the NFL Schedules come out. Especially the season after the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl. Yea, I'll say it again, the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl! It's always been about "next season" here in Seattle. But the difference between this next season and those next seasons is, that's right, the Seahawks went to the Super Bowl!
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STRIKE THREE? I've never been so nervous about a new movie in my life! I'm a Miami Vice fan. I'm a Jamie Fox fan. I'm a Colin Farrell fan. I'm a Michael Mann fan. And since Michael Mann's name was at the end of every Miami Vice episode, he's making me very nervous about the movie!
BLACK HOLE? So David Locke left KJR to be with the Seattle Sonics. [Of all the things he has blogged, hasn't blogged that.] And so co-host Elise Woodward should step to the plate, right? What's the problem? The problem is the the promo. So I "settled" the problem. Or at least my problem with it. CC VOICEMAILS>>>
FACE THE FANS Howard Schultz and Wally Walker were the PR faces. We've all heard about "the other 56." We've wondered about them. We've all talked and talked and talked about them. The Seattle Times told us who they were, but they've been faceless, until now. So in Face The Nation fashion, the Star Chamber faces the Sonic Nation.  
BLACK & WHITE Perception is an interesting thing. Perception involving race is an even more interesting thing. Race basically comes down to black and white and all shades in between. Yet, what constitutes "racism" is usually stuck in the gray area of perception. Riddle me this. Does making a Black NBA head coach, in the middle of a championship run, the butt of a live, on-air, radio joke, constitute racism?
GOT IT? So not everyone is into the World Cup. Especially ESPN NFL Analyst John Clayton. So if you wanna know what can happen to sports radio callers in Seattle that take unfair shots at the Professor, then click the pic. CC VOICEMAILS>>>
TAKE EXIT 715 Is there a better way for Barry Bond to go out? He matched the Babe's 714 today with a shot against the Oakland A's. Given everything from Hank's 755, to steriod allegations, to the media, to MLB's investigation, to the Feds, to baseball legacy, wouldn't it be cool if Barry Bonds retired after hitting 715?
THEY'LL BE BACK! Did anyone on Arnold's staff brief the governor's that the city of Los Angeles already had two NFL teams. Since the Rams have not looked back since moving to St. Louis and the Raiders had no choice, but to roll back to Oakland, can NFL football really work in L.A. again? Hey Commando (the original), just count the Trojans and Bruins as "two" pro teams and leave it alone.
Previously on Commando Dave's Show>>>